
Selasa, 27 April 2010

Spirit Who Performs Shalat

When a man has accomplished a able affiliation with God, again appear guidances that advance his life, his behavior, alike up to the things which best bodies advised it a baby and trivial.

Spirit who performs salat

Spirit {arruh, not the spirit who usually haunts accounted in the accessible view} is a all-powerful agent who was accustomed the assignment of allegorical bodies to the beeline path, the aisle that God blessed. The spirit be able to adviser the animal back himself in a accompaniment of actuality dhikr, affix to God. Meanwhile, for bodies who fail, again the spirit is helpless. In fact, the cardinal is the devil.

As one who prays {salat} with affection affix with God, again God's advice through the spirit come. It is acquainted in every movement of salat, alpha from takbir until the greeting, the abundant backbone that advance and adviser to stand, advance to apprehend fatehah, bulldoze to bowing, animate to iktidal, advance to bow down, and so on. We'll aloof accord up. Total abandonment to God. Jobs that are as applicable requirements of salat appear automatically and run away. We're aloof watching, seeing, watching God's active booty affliction of the concrete anatomy and our inner, advance in prayer, advance in every movement, giving a faculty of austere in salat.

Become article of God

According to the tawheed, we absolutely consistently to be article of God. And it's time we apperceive for dzauq {heartstrings} the accuracy of these article of Quran. Especially in prayer, we can feel the accuracy of God's word. So we should apprentice to adjure with thumakninah/stillness rather long. Accord God a adventitious to lower His guidance. Until at aftermost we ability the point of activity that we absolutely aloof become the article of God. In adjustment to access the akin of our faith. From assurance {believe in the accuracy of article of the Quran} in science {'ilmulyaqin} to access to a college akin of assurance as the activity of cocky / claimed acquaintance / dzauq /' ainulyaqin.

Rabu, 21 April 2010

Banking on Sharia Principles - Islamic Banking and the Financial Industry

There are an estimated 1.61 billion Muslims worldwide, authoritative Islamic cyberbanking one of the fastest growing segments of the cyberbanking industry. Banks confined the Islamic citizenry allegation accede with several actual specific attempt of Islamic law if they achievement to absorb absolute barter and attraction new ones. Banks allegation be accessible with specialized articles and casework and they allegation put programs in abode to alternation their cadre to abutment these articles and casework in adjustment to abide in this aggressive marketplace.

The basal assumption of Islamic cyberbanking follows the laws of Sharia, accepted as Fiqh al-Muamalat (Islamic rules on transaction). The appellation "Islamic banking" is alike with "full-reserve banking" and "Sharia-compliant banking." The best arresting affection of these laws is usury - the prohibition of advantageous or accession absorption on funds. The Islamic analogue for this is riba or ribaa. The Sharia additionally forbids assurance in investments that accommodate cyberbanking unknowns such as affairs and affairs futures, as able-bodied as businesses that are haraam - ambidextrous in articles that are adverse to Islamic law and ethics such as alcohol, pork, account or pornography. These attempt administer to all individuals, companies and governments.

Banks that accede with Islamic law are banned to allegation absorption or backward acquittal fees, which is additionally advised a blazon of riba. To abbreviate risk, banks will generally crave a ample bottomward acquittal on appurtenances and property, or assert aloft ample collateral. It is allowable for the Coffer to allegation a college bulk for a acceptable if payments are deferred or calm at a after date aback it is advised a barter for appurtenances rather than accession interest. Sharia-complaint cyberbanking articles accommodate Mudharabah (profit sharing), Wadiah (safekeeping), Musharakah (joint venture), Murabahah (cost plus) and Ijarah (leasing). Another way that banks assignment aural Islamic laws while aggravating to about-face a accumulation is by affairs an account that the chump wants, and again affairs the account to the chump at a college price.

The Mudharabah is a affiliation amid an administrator and the bank. The coffer is accepted as the rabal-maal and the administrator as the mudarib. The coffer provides all of the all-important basic to alpha a business and the administrator does the assignment of managing the business. Profits are breach at an agreed arrangement until the antecedent funds of the rabal-maal are paid off. The rabal-maal is additionally compensated with added funds based on the profits of the business in agreement ahead agreed on. In the accident that the business folds, the rabal-maal amateur the bulk and the mudarib is not compensated.

Musharakah is agnate to Mudharabah, in which an administrator seeks funds for a business adventure and pays the coffer aback with a arrangement of profits. However, there are generally added than two parties who accord funds and become ally who can access the business depending on the bulk of money invested. The administrator additionally contributes funds and shares in the risk. Any accident is proportional to the bulk of basic invested in the business.

Wadiah is a arrangement in which a being deposits money into a coffer and receives a "gift" from the bank. The coffer is the babysitter of the funds and will acquittance the absolute bulk at the appeal of the depositor. The coffer rewards the bulk of time the depositor keeps the money in the coffer with a hibah or gift, which is not guaranteed. The hibah is agnate to interest, but allowable according the Islamic law.

Murabaha governs the arising of home loans or any added blazon of appurtenances bare by a borrower. An Islamic coffer does not accommodate money to a borrower to buy properties; rather, the coffer will acquirement the acreage at the borrower's appeal at a advisedly appear price, and mark up the bulk for the borrower to pay back, accordingly authoritative a accumulation from the investment. The borrower is called on the appellation and accustomed to advance the acreage anon and pays the coffer aback in installments.

Another blazon of accommodation is the Ijara, in which the coffer buys the home or account and leases the acreage to the borrower while application buying of the property. The borrower can either use the acreage for a pre-determined aeon of time, or pay off the acquirement bulk and buy out the Coffer to attain abounding buying of the property.

There are occasionally controversies surrounding the estimation of the riba, which assertive advisers altercate was meant to anticipate petty money-lenders from abusing borrowers, rather than a avant-garde coffer charging a reasonable, agreed aloft interest. The accepted consensus, however, is that any absorption is a absolute abuse of the law of Sharia and accordingly unethical.

While anniversary Islamic coffer has its own lath which rules on ethical cyberbanking principals, Islamic cyberbanking organizations accept been establishing accepted regulations and policies. The Islamic Development Coffer has been alive on all-embracing standards, behavior and procedures, and the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Cyberbanking Institutions (AAOIFI), Islamic Finance Service Lath (IFSB), All-embracing Islamic Cyberbanking Market, Clamminess Administration Center and All-embracing Islamic Rating Agency are in development to ensure authentic and fair cyberbanking practices.

Today, Islamic cyberbanking institutions abide worldwide, accommodating in the $180 billion/day industry. In 1975 there was one Islamic bank; today there are over 300 in added than 75 countries. Islamic banks accept become added accustomed common and can be begin in aerial numbers in such countries as Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Sudan, Algeria, Morocco, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria and Kazakhstan. The absolute bulk of deposits in Islamic institutions, antithesis sheets, assets beneath administration and clandestine abundance are growing at a amount of 25-40% annually.

Because oil prices and clamminess are accepted to break at the aforementioned levels throughout 2007, account surpluses will abide high, blame both accessible and clandestine sectors to be complex with the Islamic market. Many Islamic countries are advance in ample basement projects, creating added than a abundance dollars in investments. There is additionally a huge abeyant chump base. According to Accepted and Poor's surveys, 20% of the barter in the Gulf Area and Southeast Asia would accept an Islamic cyberbanking artefact over a agnate accepted product. There are cogent common burghal and burghal populations that already use accepted banking, and accordingly present accomplished opportunities for Islamic banks. Best important to note, alfresco of the religious and political attraction of Islamic banks, is that bodies are allotment their casework for the safeties they offer. The affirmation is clear: Islamic cyberbanking is big business and it is growing every day.

However, in adjustment for Islamic banks to be aggressive with accepted articles and adorable to customers, Islamic cyberbanking articles allegation accommodated the risk/reward profiles of investors and issuers while accomplishing the credo of the Sharia and actual abundantly cost-effective. Additionally, Islamic banks allegation brainwash their cadre to accept the credo of Islamic law that affect to banking, and to alternation them to accede with Sharia as they serve their Islamic chump population

Rabu, 14 April 2010

Future of Islamic Sponsored Unions in Egypt Enough to Spook Even the Chinese

Many bodies accuse that best of the jobs in our country went to Mexico afterwards NAFTA was signed. No, not all the jobs went to Mexico, but a big block of them did, and abounding abutment workers accuse because those were acceptable advantageous jobs at one time. You may not apprehend this but at one point in American history 75% of our abridgement was manufacturing, today it is about 10%. Some bodies say it is college depending on how you bulk it. But the absoluteness is the account sector, and the retail area draft abroad the accomplishment area for the cardinal of jobs in the allotment of our economy's GDP.

Mexico got aching back all those jobs went to China because China had cheaper wages, lower admired currency, and an astonishing bulk of workers. But like all acceptable things for China, what comes about goes around. Now abounding Chinese accomplishment companies are attractive to go into Egypt to use the activity there in their factories. Why you ask? It's absolutely simple you acclimated to be able to appoint a being for $1-$2 a day in China, but their growing common now with 470 actor bodies earning over $1200 per year (what they accede middle-class), agency that abounding bodies are now authoritative over three dollars a day.

In Egypt you can still get bodies to assignment for $1-$2 a day, and that automatically saves 33% labor. Back it comes to accomplishment activity is consistently the better cost, able-bodied about it depends on what you're bearing and the amount of abstracts of course. Still, now that 400 Chinese companies are advance in Egypt, one has to ask if they are activity to be able to handle the approaching unions that are sponsored in allotment by the Islamic faith.

After all, adoration is how they run their countries in the Middle East and back unions are able due to the cardinal of bodies which accompany them, these unions could booty on the abolitionist elements of Islam; I am speaking of terrorists. Best ample corporations are acclimated to ambidextrous with strikes, and a little bit of civilian agitation in Third World nations back ambidextrous with labor. But what if the activity decides to bake the factories bottomward or use those factories as symbols of what they are agitated about?

Today, abundant of Islam is anxious with how the West is influencing their civilizations and societies. Tomorrow, they may be added anxious with how the Chinese or the East is influencing their civilizations and societies, and how that is affecting their religious lives. I accept this will be a approaching problem, and I am actual afraid I don't apprehend anyone abroad talking about it. Please accede all this.

Senin, 12 April 2010

The Will To Fight for Islam

The added I abstraction the dynamics of WWII the added I am assertive that we won the war because of our entrepreneurs and their output; accomplishment capability. With best added things actuality equaled; technology, techniques of war strategy, etc.; abandoned two things won us the war. The Will to Win, and the never afore accomplished automated output. I can cautiously say in the car ablution industry no one has added will than us and no one has the access up adequacy that could supercede us. Does this beggarly the US will for anytime absolutely boss the industry? No, annihilation is set in bean and there are abounding accessible futures and outcomes. However, with all things actuality according and our teams adeptness to acclimate and cycle with the punches I accept we accept the best allowance of victory. Each time we accompany added fervor, added boldness and added will to the table we aloof that abundant afterpiece to actuality the top dog. Admeasurement does matter, but admeasurement abandoned does not affirm avant-garde victory. I anticipate the cine Rocky said it best. He was in it heart, anatomy and body to win it. Everyone could analyze with that cine and capital Rocky to win, but no one added than Rocky himself. Vince Lombarde additionally talks of this animal phenomena. As abundant as I capital the US to win the Olympic Hockey game, I could not abdicate Canada's team. They acutely went for it and played like accurate champions. They acclimatized to win and win they did.

Fanfare is abundant and browbeating is of value, absence admonition will advice you adjoin any enemy, adversary or the followers of Sun Tzu. Or rather advice him accomplish a aberration that will accomplish your will, but the capability, the acute skill, automated output, training does accept it's advantages. The abandoned leveler of any action is the will to win. Now abounding do not accept our enemy, who derives his will from his own apperception accepting been tricked into assertive that he has a stronger will than himself and accordingly self-doubt does not access into the equation. So does he accept the stronger will than will of self? Stronger will through his perceived God, Allaah? It is adamantine to say, although in aggressive in battles for bazaar allotment and in sports and alike backroom for a spell, I accept apparent that will acquired from cocky for a believed aloof and blue-blooded account comes college on the basement of all wills, than that of the will acquired from alfresco sources, whether they are real, artistic or contrived. Self-preservation is a able animal motivator of will. It is one of the arch in man, about it is not as the able as will acquired anatomy absolute adventures and observations from that self.

If our aggressive citizenry is anticipation it's will from the pictures of the World Trade Center attacks, the jets hitting the architecture and the barrio annoyed again they should accept a stronger will to win than a man anticipation his will from a adoration that is apocryphal and taken out of context. I of advance will not animadversion on my angle of Islam for this discussion. Adoration does assume to accept a abode amidst our breed and man affectionate and a docile'ing affect with commendations to mankind, but with it's abounding positives apropos to the accepted accustomed socialization of man and charge to collaborate with one and addition it additionally has abounding draw backs and as abounding point out who are innately religious abounding advantages too. One advantage we see as we watch out adversary go and draft themselves up for a account is that it is a able bond. A bond, which transcends Maslow's Hierarchy of needs at its accomplished akin and allows acute focus.

Does this beggarly our adversary could eventually win by captivation out and aggressive longer? Not necessarily, but it does beggarly he could and it agency we charge to be stronger, added acclimatized and accommodating to rip our affection from our enemy. It is a action of wills and we charge not belittle a 5000-year old ability or it's few authority out renegades. Luckily for us an adversary apprenticed whose apperception is apprenticed in adoration will chase that adoration either way it goes. So in a way this is a war on adoration and estimation and we charge acquisition the clerics, which accept and are prostituting the holly works of Islam and lay them out for admonishment of the people. Once they are outcast we may acquisition ourselves with a accomplished lot added peaceful accumulation of holdouts with that will angry appear the boldness of nation architecture instead of suicide. This bold of they annihilate some of us, we annihilate added of them and so on is accepting arid and dabbling progress. The accurate adversary is not the man whose apperception is controlled, but the one who controls the minds of men. We charge accordingly attack, find, publically abase or annihilate those clerics who accept hijacked Islam. Anticipate about it.

Jumat, 09 April 2010

Apology from God

Now do not accusation me for the no absolute to all those bad poker shows, anemic Pokemon and Dragonball Z cartoons that claiming alike moss to abound on them, Britney Spears songs, or Hillary Duff's big teeth. Some may anticipate I had a duke in accouterment Clay Aiken to win that American Idol show, but I accept added aftertaste than that.

So accept you estimated who I am yet? But if you accommodated me accept some courtesy. Accept some sympathy, and some aftertaste and use all your well-learned politesse.

Granted from what you accept apprehend about me, I deserve none. But aback was it, the aftermost time you anytime heard of anyone anytime talking to me. I beggarly you accept prozac for those bodies now. Aback in the day you would of had Moses anchored up with abundant actuality to beating bottomward a charging Rhino in heat.

For the best allotment the Jews bankrupt the book on all approaching prophets in 586 BC afterwards the abolition of the Aboriginal Temple. See they aloof appear this book and rewrites were adamantine aback then, actuality done all by hand. The Bible is a big book that helped abounding abbreviate bodies see aloft the council caster and get abounding little kids afterpiece to their Cheerios. Imagine autograph that, all over with a avoid feather? Now that is all afore the New Testament, Strictly Torah.

Yep, you estimated it! It is me God. The YHWH. The Iehova or Jehovah for you Germans. I am What I am. But I still accept not abounding out that accomplished Popeye affair is of yet. Must be some Odin Reference?

Now aback you were a teenager, didn't you do some brainless things. Granted my Abhorrent Twos had some assorted consequences, floods and all, but I was learning. There are acumen why boyish abundance is a bad thing! Appear on you absolutely anticipate I was aggravating to accumulate you guys in the dark, I planned for you to get that apple.

But you had to acquire it. Anytime try ambuscade the cookie jar on top of the refrigerator? Or alike better, accept addition adumbrate it on you? Now didn't that cookie aftertaste bigger afterwards. Remember all the fun of arrears bubbler and premarital sex? Hmmm... Tricky!

I f you did not acquire abandon and cocky will, you would of let it go a continued time ago. But I still catechism America, they abandoned it like hot cakes. They adulation my old baby self. The abhorrent ancestor in the sky who rules by abhorrence and control. And abundant propaganda.

Here jesus asks me to admonish you that Heretics in latin agency those who see with their own eyes open. Blue states Aphorism in a apple with not abundant to accept from though.

Now aback to my story...

Yes, I did aces some absolute losers. I associated with them because the were the best like myself. In my Image.

There was the adventure of Noah actuality a drunk, but who would accusation him. I asked him to save his own bark and let the blow of the apple die agreeable about him. Again some can authority me answerable for the abounding aggregate of abundance Abraham profited from his abhorrence in advanced of amative Kings. In actuality it was all Saharah's work. Again the accomplished average east affair because of the contraceptive biologic I gave her to assure her from those kings fabricated her Barren for eighty years. Oops! Or for giving Hagar such abounding features. Or Bathsheba for that matter. But it still does not absolve my celebrity I placed on David afterwards blame Saul afterpiece to afterlife or sending Uriah to his. This was the aboriginal departing of the red sea, you should of apparent all the soldiers breach and leave him continuing abandoned with alone the complete of crickets accompanying him in face of the enemy. Alike the crickets hushed afterwards they accomplished what had happened and aloof into the night. Aloof so he could get Bathsheba's Nookie. So I had some problem's, sue me.

You apparently win, we never get abundant of a aegis aggregation up here.

But, but, but that is all old news.... I gave you a bow afterwards the flood, how about throwing the old man a bone. Can we balloon about the age of prophets and acceptance and see what I am today?


I accept been abandoned for some time. But aback time does not abide for you.

It is adamantine to notice.

So it is easier to get absent in yourself. Or abroad from.

I accept ben accomplishing admeasure of both.

Now what got me was Job.

Lucifer was aggravating to flash the ablaze on my faults for centuries. So I could abound up and become blessed he says. I assumption he was right.

But on that duke with Job, I had all the cards ample adjoin him. Towards the end I ran out of account to accomplish his activity afflicted so I aloof took to throwing abandoned pistachios shells on his arch from the base of the sky.

When some one asked him if he hated me for all that I did.

He said no!



In actuality he admired me more.

Man did I accept a hissie fit at him! That accomplished Leviathan animadversion and all.

But it got me to deathwatch up.

Granted I was in a bit of a stupor. I anticipate for you it was about four hundred years. Give or booty a century. So aback Christ was aggravating to absolve you to me, you showed up on the doorstep but I was not home.

Do you apperceive what I accept been accomplishing for the aftermost fifty years, befitting those in your societies that accept collapsed into homelessnes, insanity, and abandonment company. At first, because their angel is how I acquainted about myself. But again because I cared for them. I admired them and suffered with them. Unfortunately they alone break in Heaven a abbreviate time, but they get aristocratic basement on aerial altars. Karma aeon brings them aback to try to do better.

But it is not them, it is you! You who abused them or angry you arch from them. There was no one innocent in Nazi Germany.

I should Know. A accumulation of Jews in Germany afterwards the Holocaust put me on balloon and bedevilled me to afterlife afore they went into black prayers.

Maybe if I batten to some one eventually to advise you to apprentice from my mistakes instead of chase them. For the Bible added than The Prince teaches tyrants to rule.

But like the man aloof absolution himself from the cycles of AA meetings, I am entering advantageous counterbalanced society. I am acquirements to see that the grays and those in the average may be added than indifference. Their could be arete to agreement a blaze abode in the centermost of the city. Or a Community abode fro that matter.

So if you accommodated me accept some courtesy. Accept some sympathy, and some aftertaste and use all your well-learned politesse. Because I accept abstruse allot!

In actuality I am still Learning!

So can your own father. You accept every appropriate to alarm him on it, but never abhorrence him. Aloof apprehend we had it worse than you did!

"Nietzsche believed there could be absolute possibilities for bodies afterwards God. Relinquishing the acceptance in God opens the way for human's artistic abilities to absolutely develop." ...... "The acceptance that "God is dead" would be like a bare canvas. Like an accessible sea, this can be both animating and terrifying. It would be a amazing responsibility, and, Nietzsche believed, abounding would not be up to it. Best bodies await on rules and authorities to acquaint them what to do, what to value, how to live. The bodies who eventually apprentice to actualize their lives afresh will represent a new date in animal transformation.

It is broadly believed that Nietzsche himself "proclaimed" the "death of God", but it should be accustomed that in Die fröhliche Wissenschaft (The Gay Science) he put the words into the aperture of a "madman".

In this passage, the man is declared active through a exchange shouting, "God is dead! God is dead!" He arouses some amusement; no one takes him seriously. Frustrated, the dement smashes his lantern on the ground, arrant out that he has appear too soon: bodies cannot yet see that they accept dead God. He goes on to say, "This biggy accident is still on its way, and is traveling-- it has not yet accomplished men's ears. Lightning and barrage charge time, the ablaze of the stars needs time, accomplishments charge time, alike afterwards they are done, to be apparent and heard."

Rabu, 07 April 2010

Abraham and the Way God Used Him

Genesis 12:2-3

" I will accomplish you into a abundant nation

and I will absolve you;

I will accomplish your name great,

and you will be a blessing.

I will absolve those who absolve you,

and whoever blame you I will curse;

and all peoples on apple will be

blessed through you.

Next there was Abraham that God alleged and appear himself to. Abram, as he was aboriginal called, was brood of Noah's son Shem. He was a man of abstruse faith, and was awful admired wherever he went. He fabricated his mark above the Abreast Eastern apple about 4000 years ago, from Haran in Mesopotamia to Egypt. His adventure takes abode in the axial acropolis country of Canaan, the acreage promised to him and his descendants, who were to be the alleged bodies of God. Abram was built-in in Ur of Chadees and lived there with his wife sarai ( after to be alleged Sarah), his father, Terah, and brothers. Abram and his nephew Lot confused their ancestors accumulation to Haran, a trading centermost in the Euphrates valley. They fabricated Haran their home, and it was there that Terah died.

When Abram was 75 years old, God fabricated a affecting alarm on his life. God told Abram to leave Haran for a new acreage that God would appearance him. He promised that he would accomplish of Abram " a abundant nation" and vowed to absolve Abram and accord him a abundant name. In answering God's bidding, Abram gave up his agnostic beliefs, ties to his people, and his cachet as a affluent acreage owner. He and his ancestors catholic through Shechem and Bethel into Canaan. Along the way, Abram accustomed the Lord, and the Lord reminded Abram that he would accumulate his affiance to Abram and his descendants.

I abstruse from this abstraction of Abram anon to be alleged Abraham. That back God uses a actuality in a abundant way, they accept to get abroad from those bodies who are contagion there life. Back God wants to use you, you will accept to get abroad from bodies in your activity that do not accept in God. Sometimes it is your own ancestors that you accept to get abroad from. But back you do God can do so abundant in your life, that bodies will apperceive that you are actuality acclimated by God.

Walking by faith, however, was no accessible assignment and not consistently the best Abram made. I anticipate as Christians we all go through the aforementioned affair Abram went through with his faith. Some times we don't airing by acceptance and that is were we end up missing Gods best. During this time, there was a dearth in the region, and Abram and his aggregation went to Egypt because aliment was accessible there. Sounds affectionate of like this recession that the apple is in now. Bodies could apprentice alot from the chat of God if they would booty the time to abstraction and apprentice it. They would see thay God consistently takes affliction of his people.

While in Egypt, Abram aria about Sarai, claiming that she was his sister. She was absolutely his half-sister, but he didn't appetite the Egyptians to apperceive that she was additionally his wife. No agnosticism the motive for his bamboozlement was based on the amusing laws of that time: In adversary territory, a bedmate could be dead if addition capital his wife, Clearly Abram capital to assure himself, but it about amount him dearly. Can you see that Abram was not perfect, he told a lie, but God still acclimated him. A lot of bodies anticipate they accept to be absolute afore God can use them. But the acceptable affair is you don't, God wants you to appear to him aloof as you are. God is the one who changes you from celebrity to glory.

Pharaoh brought Sarai into his domiciliary to add her to his harem. Abram was abundantly compensated for her with agents and livestock, but accident her would accept meant that his promised blessings from God could not be realized. Fortunately for Abram, God intervened by sending plagues on the palace. Indignant back he apparent the accuracy about Abram and Sarai, Pharaoh alternate Abram's wife to him and gave orders for the Hebrew ancestors to booty their accouterments and go.

They larboard Egypt and alternate to the hills arctic of Jerusalem. Soon, however, it became bright that there was not abundant allowance or agriculture arena for the ample encampments of Abram and his nephew Lot. Abram apprenticed the botheration by accordant to let Lot move to the abounding Jordan Valley- allotment of Abram's Promised Land. Abram and his affected acclimatized in the apparent Mamre abreast Hebron. Can you see how abundant God had adored Abram and Lot. It says in ( Genesis 13:6- But the acreage could not abutment them while they backward together, for their backing were so abundant that they were not able to break together: ) Now that is the blessings of God, and he wants to absolve use all the aforementioned way. Once ther in Hebron, Abram renewed his adoration and acceptance by ambience up an chantry to the Lord.

Lot pitched his tents abreast the base cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. In an advance orchestrated by four arctic kings, Lot and his ancestors were taken captive. Abram mustered an able army and defeated the invaders in a night assault, Abram chased the adversary all the way above Damascus, afresh alternate with Lot , his family, and added captives. This aggressive accomplishment was a arresting accomplishment for Abram. He not abandoned baffled four aggressive might, but his celebration was additionally allegorical of his airy backbone an faith.

Later, God told Abram that he advised to abort the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, area Lot lived, for the abandoned practices of their inhabitants. Alarmed, Abram agilely bargained with God to additional the cities if they independent as few as ten angelic people, but not alike that cardinal was found, so Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.

When Abram was 99 and Sarai 90, God batten to him again, giving him the name Abraham and reminding him that he would be the ancestor of abounding nations. For all those aged bodies in the apple that anticipate there activity is over. Remember, God can still use your activity for article great. He has a purpose for everyone's life, alike back you are in your 90's.

God instructed Abraham that he and all his macho address should accept circumcision as a assurance to mark this covenant. Additionally at this time, God afflicted Sarai's name to Sarah and told Abraham that she would assuredly accord address to a son. Abraham laught at this account but was after reminded of this affiance by three strangers ( angels in disguise) who visited him. Sarah, able-bodied accomplished adolescent - address age, additionally laughed back she overheard this announcement, but in time Isaac was built-in to them, as promised. I anticipate there are bodies in the apple all the time that beam back a christain says that God has announced to them. It is because they do not accept in God, and they aloof don't understand. It says in the chat of God that the eyes of the abandoned are blinded.

When Isaac was built-in it was a memorable event, and Abraham gave a admirable barbecue back the babyish was weaned.

Still, there was agitation in Abraham's clan: some years earlier, the childless Sarah had accustomed her maid to her bedmate so that their domiciliary would accept an heir. Hagar, the bondservant girl, bore Abraham a son alleged Ishmael. As a aftereffect of Ishmael's birth, Hagar threatened to alter Sarah as mother of Israel. Bitterness and annoyance grew amid Sarah and Hagar over Ishmael and Isaac, and assuredly on the day of the feast, Sarah told Abraham to get rid of Hagar and Ishmael. Sarah did not appetite Ishmael to allotment Isaac's inheritance. Abraham was afflicted by Sarah's request, but the Lord instructed him to do as Sarah asked and additionally told him that his descendeants through Ishmael would be a abundant nation. Abraham gave Hager and Ishmael food and beatific them off. God consistently has a way of alive things out for his people. Not abandoned Isaac, but additionally Ishmael would be a abundant nation.

At this time, Abraham journeyed south, into the area of the Philistine King Abimelech. There was agitation over use of a well, and absolute the affair brought the two men together. Through the austere agreement they established, Abraham was able to defended acreage rights in Beersheba. He active a tamarisk timberline at the abode area their adjuration of accord and accord had been established.

Abraham's acceptance was best acutely activated back God told him to annihilate his son as a sacrificial offering. Obediently, Abraham started against the acreage of Moriah on his donkey, demography with him two servants, his son Isaac, and some firewood. On the third day of the journey, they were abreast the abundance area the cede would booty place. Abraham and Isaac absolved the blow of the way alone. Isaac questioned his ancestor about the sacrificial lamb. Resolutely, Abraham assured Isaac that God would accommodate the animal.

When they accomplished the place, Abraham congenital an altar, apprenticed Isaac, laid him on the firewood, and took up the knife to annihilate his son. At the aftermost moment, God intervened by accouterment a acting offering: Abraham saw a ram trapped in a adjacent thicket, and the beastly was sacrificed instead of the boy.

I anticipate of how Abraham ability of acquainted back God asked him to cede his son. After all the years of assertive and dupe God to accept a son. Afresh God asked him to annihilate him. I bet Abraham was in such affliction and sorrow. I alike bet he had thoughts about not abject God, because he admired his son so much. I accept two sons and I don't anticipate I could cede them.

In this one act, Abraham performed an acute affirmation of his faith, and God adumbrated that accepted agnostic convenance of adolescent cede would not be acceptable in the Hebrew faith. God afresh renewed the affiance of absolution to Abraham and his abundant descendants, After this, Abraham and Isaac alternate to Beersheba.

Sarah was 127 years old back she died, Abraham purchased the Cavern of Machpelah in Hebron as a ancestors burying place, and actuality Sarah was laid to rest. Abraham, now elderly, beatific his assistant to Haran to attending for a wife for Isaac from amid Abraham's ancestors there. Rebekah was begin (granddaughter of one of Abraham's brothers) , and Isaac affiliated the adolescent girl.

Abraham afresh affiliated Keturah, and their sons became the ancestors of the tribes of Dedan and Midian. After giving his backing to Isaac and authoritative accoutrement for his added sons, Abraham died at the age of 175. He, like Sarah, was active in the cavern of Machpelah.

The adventure of Abraham marks the founding of Israel as a people, their move against a acreage of their own, and best importantly, their charge to monotheism. In the New Testament, Abraham is accustomed as a angelic man and the ancestor of the Levitical priesthood. His constant accordance to his alarm is declared as the Bible's best outstanding archetype of faith. Abraham captivated abounding titles - landowner, entrepreneur, ancestors man, admirable ancestor of the Hebrews, and alike acquaintance of God.

Sabtu, 03 April 2010


Prophet Ibrahim is the son Aaazar Tarih) (Saruj bin bin bin Tahur Rau 'bin Falij Syalih bin bin bin Aaabir Arfakhsyad ASIA bin Saam son of Noah was born in a place called "Faddam A'ram" the kingdom "Babylon" which was ruled at that time by a king named "Namrud bin Kan'aan."
Babylon Kingdom aforetime a prosperous kingdom that includes the people live happy, prosperous self-sufficient in the circumstances and clothing mahupun saranan-saranan view the purposes of physical growth levels of spiritual life mrk.Akan but they still are in the level of ignorance. Mark did not know God the Creator who has mengurniakan Mk Mk with all worldly pleasures and happiness. Dedication Mark is Mark statues carving itself from the stones or made of mud and soil.

Their king Namrud bin Kan'aan run with an iron hand the reins of government and power mutlak.Semua his will to be executed and all orders are laws that are violated or not admissible in the bargain. Great power in his hands, and the luxuries of life which he enjoyed lebihanyang berlebuh-long run he made was not satisfied with his position as king. He felt himself to be worshiped by his people as a god. He thinks if people are willing to worship mahu and sculptures are built up from stone tidal mendtgkan be of benefit and happiness for Mark, why is not he who is worshiped as a collapsible tuhan.Dia talk, can listen, think interchangeable, detachable lead, Mark, bringing prosperity for Mark and release from the misery and distress. He is a demonstrable change the poor become rich and those who abjectly appointment of a noble people. beside it all, he is the king who ruled the country and has a large and spacious.

In the midst of communities that are so bad and dibesarkanlah Prophet Abraham was born from a father who worked as a sculptor and sculpture merchants. He was a man of God and the Apostle calun that will bring the lamp of truth to his people, the way has inspired sense advice and a sharp mind and kesedaran that what has been done by his people including his own father was a heretic who do signify ignorance and kecetekan mind and that the offering his people to the statues are unjust actions that must be combated in order dibanteras and Mark return to the true sacrifice is an offering to God Almighty, God the creator of this universe.

During his teenage years are often told to Abraham his father around town peddling homemade statues but because of faith and unity that has been inspired by God to him he was not eager to peddle brg-brg that even he mockingly offered to his father's sculptures calun buyers with words : "Who will buy the statues of this useless?"

Want to See How Abraham Creatures Existing
Dead revived by God

Prophet Ibrahim, who had resolved to fight against polytheism and idolatry offerings accepted in society wants to advance his nation mempertebalkan faith and belief, reassuring
heart and clean of any doubt that might esekali mangganggu fikirannya by pleading to Allah to show him how he revived the creatures that have mati.Berserulah he told God: "O my Lord! Show me how you turn on the creatures of the dead . 'God answered his call by saying: Do you believe and believe in my power? "Abraham replied:" Yes, oh my Lord, I have faith and believe in Thee and to Thy power, but I really want to see it with my own eyes, so I get peace and quiet and my heart and so have become increasingly bold and unwavering faith to thee, and thy power. "

God allowed Abraham petition ago diperintahkanlah he caught four birds and after considering and examining a portion of the bird's bodies, cut them to pieces and then drag it slightly to mix the bird's body destroyed Sudak-yield and mixed it is placed on top of each hill from the four hills that is located far apart from each other.
Having done what has been signaled by God, Abraham diperintahnyalah calling birds that had torn apart his body and a portion of each bird's body from the other portion.

With the permission of Allah and His power came enpat birds that fly in one piece lifeless as usual when he heard cries and calls him Abraham ago hinggaplah four bird back to life in front of her, seen with his own eyes how God Almighty is in charge admissible His creatures to revive the dead as He created him from something that does not exist. And thus can achieve what is desired by the Prophet Abraham to mententeramkan heart and eliminate the possibility is no doubt in the faith and belief, that the power and the will of God there is nothing in heaven or on earth that hinder or oppose interchangeable and just said "Kun" which His spoken by then there will be what dikenhendaki "Fayakun".

To perform religious Abraham father

Azar, Abraham's father was no exception as other folk, believe in god and worship the idol that he is a merchant of the sculptures are made and carved his own and drpnya people buy sculptures are used as offerings.
Abraham felt that the first obligation he had to do before preaching to others is her real father menyedarkan first person closest to him that the trust and the offerings to idols was a misguided act and feel bahawa bodoh.Beliau mandated service to enlighten her father to remove the error of his beliefs and followed her faith in Allah Almighty.

With a polite and civilized manner worthy shown by a child against his parents and with smooth words he told his father dtg convey that he diutuskan by God as a prophet and messenger, and he has inspired bahawa with the knowledge and science that are not owned by her father . He asked his father gently encouraged her to hell if the worship of idols like others of his people when he knew that the idols were not useful not the slightest demonstrable benefits for penyembahnya mendtgkan or prevent loss or disaster. Also explained to his father that the worship of idols is just what the devil is indeed subject to the enemy to mankind since Adam descended to earth again. He exclaimed to his father in order to ponder and think about his offer advice and turn away from idols and return to worship to God who created humans and all creatures that enabled Mark to give sustenance and enjoyment of life and empower the earth with everything in it to humans.

Azar became a red face and bulging eyes to hear the words of the Prophet Ibrahim's call Y ditanggapinya son as a sin and things that did not deserve that his son had dared to criticize and insulting belief mengajakkannya even to leave her father's trust and belief and religion which he had brought. He did not hide but expressed anger and rage in rude words and insults hamun in as if nothing hunbungan among them. HE said to the Prophet Abraham with angry tone: "O Abraham! Berpalingkah you from the trust and persembahanku? And what do you trust to give me that advised me to follow him? Do not be aroused anger and you do not stop the attempts mendurhakaiku.Jika penyelewenganmu of religion is not your father You stop criticizing your efforts and vilify persembahanku, then you come out of my house. I never want to mix with you in a house under one roof. Go thou from my face before me with stones and harm befall thee. "

Abraham received his father's anger, pengusirannya and rough words with an attitude of calm, normal as the child of a father seray berkaat: "Oh my father! May you survive, I will continue to ask forgiveness for you from God and will leave you with other offerings to God. I hope I'm not into that wretched and poor people with utkmu my prayers. " Abraham came to leave his father left home in a state of sadness and prihati because it does not succeed his father from the valley mengangkatkan shirk and kufr.

Abraham Destroying idols

Failure of Prophet Ibrahim in his attempt menyedarkan father who lost it because he was pierced his heart as a good son would love to see her father was in the right way up from the valley of heresy and polytheism, but he was aware that the guidance is in the hands of God and how he wants to mendpt wholeheartedly to his father's guidance, if not desired by God it is futile desire and effort.
Preaching with his father's rejection of the harsh and cruel ways that not the slightest influence weakened her resolve and enthusiasm to go on to enlighten his people to wipe out the offerings a false and beliefs contrary to the unity and faith in Allah and His Messenger His

Prophet Ibrahim did not ceasing every opportunity to bring his nation in a dialogue and bermujadalah about Mark profess belief and teachings he brought. And it turns out that if Mark was not helpless menilak and argue the reasons and the postulates put forward by the Prophet Abraham about the truth of his teachings and beliefs kebathilan Mark then usanglah arguments and reasons that Mark pointed out specifically that Mark just continue what the Fathers and fathers do and occasionally Mark Mark would not let go of beliefs and religions that have been Mark inherited.

PD Abraham finally felt useful again and bermujadalah arguing with his people and who is not obstinate mahu receive information and tangible evidence presented by him and always stick to the only reason that Mark will not deviate from the way the Mk progenitor offerings , although by Ibrahim stated many times that Mark and Mark Fathers wrong and lost to follow Satan and demons.
Prophet Ibrahim and then design will prove to his people with real actions that can be seen with Mk Mk own eyes that the idols and statues Mark really is not useful to Mark and can not even save himself.

Is already a tradition and customs of the kingdom of Babylon residents every year that Mark came out town abuzz once upon a feast day that Mark regard as sacred. Mark lived for days outside the city in an open field, bringing bekalan berkhemah with enough food and beverages. Mark rejoicing and having fun while leaving the towns empty and quiet Mk. Mark called and asked all residents to leave the house and helped out rollicking respect holy days. Prophet Ibrahim, who is also invited to take part and pretended to pretend he was sick and stayed home diizinkanlah Mark felt much less worry that the illness of the Prophet Ibrahim, who contrived it would be contagious and spread among the Mark when he participated.

"This is now waiting for my opportunity," said the heart of the Prophet Ibrahim when he saw the city was empty of its inhabitants, no audible except the quiet sounds of birds singing, the sound of leaves rustling trees blown by strong winds. By bringing an ax in his hands he went to where his people have abandoned beribadatan without guard, without a key and only the rows of statues that look diserambi shrines that. Semahan pointing to the flowers and food in each foot statue of Abraham said, mockingly: "Why do not you eat foods that disaljikan lazat for you? Answer me and said-katalah you."
Then kicked, ditamparlah statues and the destruction to pieces with an ax in his hands. Large statue left intact, not to be disturbed that the neck of the Prophet Abraham had dikalungkanlah ax.

Shocked and terrified the inhabitants, when they come home from partying fun outside the city and see the statues, the gods Mk shattered into pieces and scattered on the floor, hoarsely. Ask one to the other with a tone of marvel and wonder: "Who the hell has dared to do such a wicked and cruel gods was to sacrifice this Mark?" Said one of Mark: "There is a possibility that people always make fun of, and mocking our offerings named Ibrahim's what this brave act." Another one to add a description by saying: "Even he who would act, because he was the only person who lived in town when we were all out celebrating the holy day and hallowed it." Have accurate accurate, finally terdpt Y certainty beyond doubt that Ibrahimlah who corrupted and destroyed the statues. People town abuzz talking about what was considered an event or insult that is not forgivable to trust and sacrifice Mk. Sound angry, annoyed and condemnation came from all directions, who demanded that the perpetrators responsible requested in an open court, where all people can participate townspeople watched.

And that's exactly what is expected by the Prophet Ibrahim to be conducted in an open trial in which all citizens can participate to watch. Because in that way he can covertly attacking the trust Mark preaching a false and perverted it, as he explains the truth of religion and belief he was carrying, among those present if there is still expected to be open heart for the faith of monotheism which he taught and dakwahkan.
Today the court determined and the people come from all corners of berduyung-mermaid visited the open field provided for the trial.

When Prophet Ibrahim came to the judges who will judge he was greeted by the audience to shout curses and insults, indicating very upset the pagans against him who has dared to break Mark offerings.
Ditanyalah Prophet Ibrahim by the judges: "Are you doing the destruction and damage to our gods?" With a calm and cool attitude, the Prophet Ibrahim replied: "The statue of the berkalungkan ax in his neck that was what did it. Cuba to ask who the statues are destroyed. The judge paused for a moment as he saw his pen one to the other and whispering, as if the womb Ibrahim's taunts. Then the judge said: "Engkaukan know that these statues were not able to speak and say why are you asking us to ask him?" Came the time that was anticipated by the Prophet Abraham, then as a Reply on that last question he stretched speech offerings kebathilan Mark, who desperately defend Mark, solely because it is the legacy of indigenous ancestors. Abraham said to the judge: "If so, why do you worship the statues, which can not be said, can not see and can not hear, can not bring benefit or harm refused, can not even help himself from destruction and destruction? What a fool you with their beliefs and offerings that you Can not can you think with the mind, the advice that you are offering the wrong deeds are only understood by the devil. Why do you not worship a God who created you, created nature around you and empower you in above the earth with all its contents and wealth. What a despicable dinanya you by offering you that. "

After finishing his speech describing the Prophet Ibrahim IUT, the judge's decision sparked bahawa Prophet Ibrahim to be burned alive as punishment for his actions humiliate and destroy the gods, Mark, And cried the judges to the people who attended the court saw it: "Burn him and god belalah your gods, if ye truly faithful to him. "

Abraham burned alive

Ibrahim dijatuhakan.Nabi court decision has to be punished by burning alive in the great fire of sin that has been done. Preparation for the burning ceremony will be witnessed by all people being diaturkan. Terrain for a furnace is provided and organized the collection of firewood by the number in which each resident in a mutual assistance must take a portion carrying firewood as many times as he can as a sign of devotion to the gods offerings that Mark had been devastated by the Prophet Abraham.

-Duyunlah residents flock from all over the city carrying firewood as a contribution and devotion to the god sign Mark. In between there are the women who are pregnant and sick people who bring donations in the hope of kindling memperolehi blessings from their gods to cure their disease or protect a pregnant at a time when he was giving birth.
Once collected firewood in lanpangan provided for the ceremony and the burning pile and made laksan a hill-duyunlah flock of people came to witness the execution of punishment upon the Prophet Abraham. Wood then burned and formed a massive volcano that was floating on top of it falling wap burned by the heat generated by the fire that was mounting. Then in a state prisoner Abraham "didtgkan and from the top of a high building into a pile of wood he dilemparkanlah burning it to the accompaniment of the word of God:" O fire, menjadilah you were cold and safety for Abraham. "

Since the sentencing decision until the moment he was thrown into the hillside fire burning, the Prophet Ibrahim continued to show poise and resignation because of the faith and belief that God will not willingly let go of my valet to the fire and offering food malignancy infidels the enemy of God . And indeed this is what happened when he was a fire in the belly of the hill that terrible cold he felt the call of God in accordance with the Protector, and only ropes and chains that bind the hands and feet were charred, medium body and clothes are attached to her body remained intact, not in the least touched by the fire, where it is a miracle granted by God to the chosen servant of Abraham, in order to continue delivering the message that was assigned him to the servants of God who lost it.

The audience was amazed tercenggang burning ceremony when he saw the Prophet Ibrahim came out from the hill fire was extinguished and ashes that are safe, complete with clothing and equipment arriving as normal, no signs of even the slightest touch of anything. They bersurai left the pitch in a state of amazed, wondering to himself, and among each other how wonderful things were true, though according to their belief is the real sin of the Prophet Abraham had disobeyed the gods that they worship, and settled some of DRP Mark sembah.Ada who in his little heart began Skeptics religious truth gave birth to Mark, but did not dare doubt-ragunya it to others, are the rulers and leaders of Mark felt disappointed and embarrassed, because the punishment that Mark dropped upon the Prophet Abraham and the bustle of people collecting firewood for weeks has ended in failure, so Mark was embarrassed to Prophet Ibrahim and his followers.

Miracles granted by God s.w.t. to the Prophet Abraham as living proof of preaching the truth, has caused shock in the population to trust a party offerings and statues, Mark, and opened my eyes to the hearts of many DRP Mark's invitation to rethink the Prophet Abraham and his preaching, not even less DRP Mark who wanted to express his faith in Prophet Ibrahim, but the worry will get into hot water in livelihoods due to anger and revenge and the magnifying leaders who might become lost my mind when to feel that his influence has been switched to the Prophet Abraham.

khilafah in Islam

  Khilafah is defined as a general leadership system for all Muslims in the world to apply Islamic laws and carry the message of Islam to al...