
Selasa, 01 September 2015

The commander Zombie History of Islam and Islamic triumph in Brazil

The commander Zombie History of Islam and Islamic triumph in Brazil - Hearing the term "zombie" You certainly would think about being black nan thin bloody and damage crops. However, what if we know the origin of the naming of zombies that already exist in the 15th century AD in Brazil.

It turns out the term "Zombie" is a person's name as well as the commander of the Islamic dashing daredevil, who had been instrumental revive the glory of Islam in Brazil. Even gradually he and the local clerics managed to establish Daulah Islamiyah in Brazil.

Here is the history of zombies in the quotation from the article titled Jihad al Turbani Miatu min Udzoma 'ummah al-Islam Ghoiru Majro at-Tarikh.

After the white Europeans who are Christian to enter North and South America. People from Europe dividing the new land they had occupied it into two parts operations.

British and French control of North American and South American regions controlled by the Portuguese and Spanish. There is a very noticeable difference on how the two sides of Europe that colonized the Americas.

People from the UK and France are trying to dominate the North American region and the occupied lands, with the slogan "The Indian is good is the Indian who died" while those of Portugal and Spain do not occupy their land directly, but they also have a slogan in South America "Kill then seized his property and go". Therefore, a big difference related to the US economy and Canada (North America) compared to the economic conditions of countries in South America are more likely to be poor.

Portuguese imperialists take part in Brazil's vast and rich while Spain take care of some other countries. The Portuguese colonized Brazil in a way that is real cruelty. They murder the original inhabitants of Brazil in order to take control of their wealth. They dredge gold mine and move it to Portugal through the Brazilian population (labor force).

Not only in Brazil, they also mix a native of Brazil with black people in Africa by way of colonizing the Muslims in the region of West Africa. They have the purpose to include people of Africa known as the hard work, to the country of Brazil in order to dredge the wealth of South America in the interests of the invaders. Gradually they took the Muslims of Africa through their ships to the territory of Brazil. Until in the end many of them are used as slaves in the early 1538 AD. It was not until 40 years have 14 thousand Muslims from Africa who moved to Brazil while the number of population is not more than 57 thousand.

In the following year, the Portuguese continued to increase the number of blacks in Brazil, from the Angola that reached 642 thousand Muslim population negro (black), they bring in a large population of Muslim West Africa gradually and massively. And this is confirmed by some of the documents that still exists in Brazil Museum. Most people who come from Africa to Brazil are descendants of those Muslims who can read the Koran. However, later the invaders begin to understand Christianity to them so there is little resistance from these people, but the Portuguese continued to press and impose the Christian religion to them with the threat of murder and torture.

So when the Christians thought that Islam was dim and die in the land of Brazil forever. Islam came a hero named Zombie. He managed to set fire to the spirit of Islamic youth remaining in Brazil. The commander then moves along the scholars around to calling people in Brazil to understand the teachings of Islam until they understand this noble religion.

They also teach the reading of the Qur'an and Islamic law are very tolerant and commendable. And a concomitant increase in their numbers growing day time increases. So when they arranged azzam strong, Zombie Islam commander announced the establishment of the "Islamic State of Brazil" in 1643 AD. He also mentioned that the first rule, that freedom is a principle of law upheld territory.

Knowing the very rapid development of Islam, the Portuguese launched an offensive to small countries emerging on the Continent Amerikat. However, with the permission of Allah, Zombie and other Muslims defeated the invaders to developing broad Islamic region in Brazil. Even Zombie also can conquer the 20 regions in the State of Bahi, Brazil. And continue berlangsungya Islamic state in Brazil is more than 50 years.

Muslims struggle against imperialist blacks continued until the Portuguese empire were plugging their influence to quell the development of Islam who eventually getting bigger. So then dikirimlah other imperial navy to help the Portuguese to destroy the seeds of Islamic revolution in 1695 AD. Until fell off the fighters one by one and imperialist increasingly spread their power in Brazil.

Shall we suppose that Zombie is a terrifying, ugly and nasty behavior?

Colonizers of the West trying to spread the image of Zombie because of fears they would be the emergence of figures like Zombie fighters in South America.

People are now forced to fear the Zombie picture which is described as being a destroyer, skinny and ugly.

When what actually happened imperialists want to return the Islamic denude the trees that have been growing rapidly in the world, as they did to the growth of Islam in Brazil at that time.

Rabu, 22 April 2015

About Syia

Shia Islam is a splinter flow and Shiites is one of the many splinter sects in Islam.
While that is a splinter flow in Islam is a stream whose teachings menyempal or deviate from the true teachings of Islam that has been delivered by the Prophet Muhammad, or in the language of religion is called Expert Bid'ah.

Furthermore, because the Shiite streams vary, there is no stream flow Zaydiyyah Shia Ithna Shia Imami Ismaili Shia Asyariah no flow etc, so now when we mention the word Shia, then the question is the flow of the Shia Imami Ithna emerging Asyariah our country and centered in Iran or often called the Shiite Khumainiyah.

Where this is the case because the Shiites are now the cause of unrest and hostility and discord in society, thereby disrupting and damaging the unity of our nation.
Shia figures is what now is in full swing mislead Muslims from the teachings of Islam.

What does the word Shia by language?

The word is derived from the Arabic Shia which means followers, also implies supporters and lovers, can also be interpreted group.

For example: Muhammad Shia means follower of Muhammad or lovers or group Muhammad Muhammad.

Therefore, in terms of language, can be called as a Shia Muslim Muhammad bin Abdillah Muhammad and the followers of Jesus can be called as Shia Isa alaihis salam.

Then keep in mind that at the time of the Prophet Muhammad Shia-Shia or groups that existed before Islam, everything is eliminated by the Prophet, so that when it is no longer Shia and Shia's no.
Where it because the Prophet was sent to unite people and not sent to make groups or Shia Shia's this.
Allah says:

     واعتصموا بحبل الله جميعا ولا تفرقوا (العمران: 103)

"How Firm And hold you all to the straps (religion) of Allah and you do not get divorced disarray (in groups)."

But after the Prophet's death, the seeds of discord began to exist, so that when there are groups or Shiite-Shiite who support a person, but a political nature.

For example, before Sayyidina Abu Bakr in allegiance as caliph, at that time there was a group of people who are trying Ansor want to raise Saad bin Ubadah as Caliph. But with the approval of Sayyidina Abu Bakr became the Caliph, then bubarlah groups.

Similarly, when there was a small group who found Ali is more entitled to be Caliph by reason because of the close kinship with the Prophet Muhammad. But with baiatnya Sayyidina Ali to the Caliph Abu Bakr, then finished the problem.

Therefore essentially political and not faith, then such things it is always the case, briefly raised and briefly lost or dispersed.

Similarly, after Sayyidina Ali dibaiat as Caliph, at which time the leadership caliph Muawiyah revolt of Ali, the sort of thing that arises again, so the time was no group or Shia Ali Ali and Muawiyah no group or Shia Muawiyah.

So the term Shi'a at the time it was not only used for the followers of Imam Ali or group alone, but followers or groups of Muawiyah also called Shia.

The argument is strengthened by what is stated in the agreement or Sohifah At-tahkim between Imam Ali with Muawiyah, where in the agreement stated:

  هذا ما تقاضى عليه على بن ابى طالب ومعاوية بن ابى سفيان وشيعتهما
(اصول مذهب الشيعة)

This is what has been agreed upon by Ali ibn Abi Talib and Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan and both Shia them.
(Usul school of Shia Imami Ithna Asyariyah)

Thus the mention of the word Shia at that time was already there, but only in the sense of language and essentially political nature only and is not grounding aqidah or school.
The Aqeedah of the friends at the time, both Ali and Muawiyah and his group and his group, they both follow anything that worked and taught by the Prophet Muhammad.
This is corroborated by the testimony of Imam Ali, where in his letter to the Expert Amsor, he tells about what happened between him (Imam Ali) with Expert Sham (Mu'awiya) in the Battle of Siffin as follows:

  كان بدء امرنا انا التقينا والقوم من اهل الشام, والظاهر ان ربنا واحد, ونبينا واحد, ودعوتنا فى الاسلام واحد, ولا نستزيدهم فى الاسلام بالله والتصديق برسوله, ولا يستزيدوننا, الامر واحد الا ما اختلفنا فيه من دم عثمان, ونحن منه براء
(نهج البلاغة- 448)

As for our problems in a, ie there has been a battle between us with expert Sham (Muawiya and Shia).
Clearly our Lord together, our Prophet is the same and we are in the Islamic da'wah is the same. Similarly, our faith in God and our faith to Allah, do not exceed their faith, and the faith they also do not exceed our faith.

The problem is only one, namely our disputes in the killing (caliph) Usman, are we in the incident, was not involved. "
(Nahj Balaghoh - 448)

Further, since the problem only in the political problems that caused the murder of Caliph Usman RA and not the issue of faith, then when Imam Ali heard of followers who berate Muawiyah and his group, he was angry and forbade, saying:

  انى اكره لكم ان تكونوا سبابين, لكنكم لو وصفتم اعمالهم, وذكرتم حالهم, كان اصوب فى القول وابلغ فى العذر, وقلتم مكان سبكم اياهم, اللهم احقن دماءنا ودماءهم, واصلح
  ذات بيننا وبينهم (نهج البلاغة -323)
"I do not like you become a detractor (pencaci-maki), but suppose you showed their deeds and their circumstances you mentioned, then it is so it will be accepted as an excuse. Then you change your scolding them with:
O Allah save our blood and their blood, and we make peace with them
(Nahj Balaghoh - 323)

Thus the direction of Imam Ali told his followers and lover. If revile Muawiyah and his followers be prohibited by Imam Ali, then what about those who revile Shiites now even mengkafirkan Muawiyah and his followers, it worth they are called as followers of Imam Ali
Back to the understanding of the Shia in the Arabic language is called Shia Lughotan, as we have explained above, so now there are people who think that his Sunni Shia automatically. Where no other things due to their lack of knowledge about it. So that they do not know that we are facing today is Madzhab Shiite or Shiite or full flow is the flow of the Shia Imami Ithna Asyariyah (Ja'fariyyah).

Therefore, the term Shia Lughotan is not used by our parents (Salafunassholeh), they fear ordinary people can not distinguish between the meaning of the word Shia groups or followers of the Shiite stream or Madzhab Shia. Where it because of the Shi'ite sects are manifold, all of which have been rejected as heretical by Salafunassholeh.

Furthermore salafunassholeh use Muhibbin term for followers and lovers of Imam Ali and his descendants and the term is used until now.
There is one note to note, therefore salafunassholeh do not want to use the word Shia in mentioning the word or word group of followers because of Shia sects are manifold, then finally just used the word Shia in calling Rofidhah groups, namely those Shia known to berate Sayyidina Abu Bakr and Sayyidina Umar.

So now if anyone mentions the word Shia, then
question is the flow or schools of the Shia Imami Ithna Asyariyah.
Indeed, in the absence of clear information about the Shia and Shia Lughotan Madhhaban, it is easy for people to obfuscate issues Shia, so it is a good opportunity for them in their efforts mensyiahkan Indonesian society known since ancient family of the Prophet Muhammad as lovers.

What is a stream (schools) Asyariyah Ithna Shia Imami it?

Shia Imami Ithna Asyariyah is one of the many Shiite flow streams with each other Shia fighting Shia call flow as schools Ahlul Bait. And its adherents claim only himself alone or group who follow and love the Ahlul Bait. This Shia flow adopted or followed by the majority (65%) people of IRAN. Similarly, as the Shiite stream followed by people in Indonesia are devoted to Khomeini and the Shia.
When compared with schools of other Shia, then flow Ithna Shia Imami Shia Asyariyah is the most perverted flow (GHULAH) and most dangerous to religion, nation and the country at this time.
By using cunning strategies they call TAGIYAH (lie) which can result justifies any means, this flow is developed.

As a result, many people who beraqidah Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah fooled and are influenced by their propaganda, so that out of the religion of his ancestors (Islam) and enter the Shia.
Because it is based on bigotry Ashobiyah or deep, then the flow is rapidly spreading and growing, especially among lay Ba 'Alawi sada (descendants of the prophet Muhammad) and Muhibbin (their lovers). So like a malignant cancer that is growing in a healthy body, which is hundreds of years known beraqidah Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah.

Actually, for those who educated religion, it was not until the outbreak shake their faith, but for people who lack the knowledge of Islam, easy to contract the disease.

In this alarming situation, there arose those who feel called to resist and fight against the flow. Various ways have they traveled, there is the road lecturing, there are to write, even with the discussion and Alhamdulillah got a positive response from the community and from the government.
In contrast to the Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah filled with mutual respect and full of love full of love and forgiveness forgiving because based Al Ahlaqul Karimah and Al AFWA Indal Magdiroh (pardon when he can reply) and Husnudhdhon (good thought), then teaching Asyariyah Ithna Shia Imami is full of scorn and full of slander and slander-full-cursed anathema, because based on the Suudhdhon (prejudice) and resentment and bigotry are unfounded.
Can we see how they no polite bold and blatant berate friends, slander the Prophet's wives, especially Aisha, even the Prophet himself did not escape from their charges.

Shia teachings are troubling and raise the ire of Muslims, making the scholars around the world have agreed to provide information to the public. Hundreds of book titles published, millions of books printed with the intention that the public aware and wary of straying Shia Shiite movement. In writing these books of the scholars we took the source and the rest of the books of Shia (Shiite reference books), so it is very difficult for people to refute Shia.

Furthermore, the number of outstanding books and expose heresy containing Shiite teachings, many people who used to be affected to the Shia, become aware of and back to the Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. It is certainly not out of the guidance and inayah and taufiq of God. With the exception of those who are ill-fated, that is, people who are destined by God as the Syagi (wretched and miserable).

May we and our families were classified as those who Suada 'or those lucky ones who was saved by God from the flow of the Shia Imami Ithna Asyariyah false and misleading.

Sabtu, 18 April 2015

Dress Code of Muslim womens

 Islam is a complete way of life, each and every aspect is designed by our Creator to advance happy, healthy communities and ease the path to eternal bliss in Paradise. In today’s society modesty is seen as a sign of weakness or insecurity. This is not the case in Islam, where modesty is seen as a sign of respect for oneself and others.

The haya that every human being is born with is seen as something to be treasured. To this end Islam has a dress code for both women and men. Its purpose is to protect the society as a whole and promote modest dressing and behaviour. It creates a barrier between the sexes and allows us to conduct our lives with modesty, dignity and respect.

Muslims generally observe modest dress, but the variety of styles and colors have various names depending on the country. Here is a glossary of the most common names of Islamic clothing for both men and women, along with photos and descriptions.

Islam holds women in very high esteem and the Islamic rules of covering are intended to protect and guard her dignity and honour. The word used most often in regard to covering is hijab. All qualified Muslim scholars throughout the history of Islam agree that fulfilling the conditions of the dress code is an obligation on all Muslim men and women. They have based these conditions on evidence found in the Quran and the Sunnah. Below are the most well known verses of the Quran and the most well known saying from the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) concerning the subject of hijab.

Rabu, 15 April 2015

The development of Islam in Europe

The population of the world (2013) is 7,021,836,029. Distribution according to religion is Islam 22:43%, 16.83% Catholic Christian, 6:08% Protestant, Orthodox 4:03%, Anglican 1:26%, 13.78% Hindu, Buddhist 7:13%, Sikhs 0:36%, Jewish 0:21%, Baha'i 0:11%, Others 11:17%, Non-Religious 9:42%, and Atheists 2:04%

It is even said that the number of Muslims in 2012 was 2.1 billion. While the number of Christians and Protestants are 2 billion. So that Islam today, although compared with the Christian and Protestant though, has become the largest religion in the world

World Population (2011) grew 137% in the last decade, in which Christians grow by only 46%, on the contrary, Islam is growing as much as five times that amount: 235%. (The Almanac Book of Facts, 2011). It is said, if this growth trend continues, it is estimated by 2030, 1 out of 3 of the world population is Muslim.

Development of Islam in Europe is very fast due to two important factors.
First, the birth rate (fertility rate) is high in Western countries with a majority Muslim population
Second, the number of converts (people who moved from other religions to Islam) are also high, especially in America, Europe and Australia in the last 20 years (The Almanac Book of Facts, 2011).
According to the poll results (2012) in the United States, is known around 200,000 people each year to move from Christianity to Islam.

Associated with the development of Islam in Europe and America this fast, because Christians in the west increasingly not believe in the teachings of their religion full of absurd dogma. The higher the educational level of citizens of a country, the more followers of the teachings of Christians who reject the contents of the "bible" BIBLE are contrary to reason and logic. They turned to look for a new religion (Islam, Buddhism) or choose to become a follower atheist / agnostic. Instead of Muslims, though maligned and slandered religion, the belief in the truth of their religion is increasing while living in an environment that non-Muslim majority.
Thank God, the sun rises from the West. The growth of Islam in Europe and America is very Fast.

Selasa, 14 April 2015

ISIS Unleash Hundreds of Iraqi Minorities Aged Advanced

ISIS militant group reportedly freed 227 of the Yazidis, who had been a prisoner of them. The majority are released are those elderly or ill.

"Some of the released were women and children," said Kurdish commander, Rassol Omar told the BBC on Thursday (04/09/2015).

Of information to an official Iraqi Kurdistan, as reported by CNN, the number of prisoners who were released 217 Yazidis.

According to witnesses, quoted by VOA News, delivery Yazidi prisoners who had been held captive for 8 months was made on Wednesday, April 8th in the province of Kirkuk, in northern Iraq.

Not known for certain reasons such exemption. However, this action is the second, after ISIS freeing about 200 residents Yazidis in January 2014 after captive for five months.

Yazidis Thousands fled in August 2014, when the city master ISIS Sinjar in northern Iraq near the Syrian border. Hundreds of them were arrested, women and girls were kidnapped to be sold as slaves.

While thousands of their refuge to the mountains of northern Iraq. There is the possibility that the UN reveal ISIS mass culling or genocide against the citizens.

Yazidis are ethnoreligious groups in northern Syria and Iraq and the Kurdish language. They practice syncretism which combines Shia, Sufi tradition, local custom.

khilafah in Islam

  Khilafah is defined as a general leadership system for all Muslims in the world to apply Islamic laws and carry the message of Islam to al...